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Omnipollos Zelator: Review by @Robyn_Seto

Omnipollos Zelator: Review by @Robyn_Seto

I try to vary up the breweries whose beers I’ve reviewed before, but it’s difficult to stop myself from returning over and over to Omnipollo. It may come as a surprise to some that this is only the second IPA that I have reviewed thus far. Despite knowing a good IPA when I have one, I don’t usually enjoy the style very much. However, Omnipollo has a special skill of creating wildly unique and fantastic beers, including, but not limited to, the ever-popular IPA.

 Zelator is a Triple New England IPA. The “triple” part indicates a high ABV and hoppiness. The New England style of IPA emphasizes tropical fruit flavors and heavy haziness that produces a smooth mouthfeel and full body.


Zelator starts off with a strong hop aroma. It’s very citrusy and not funky, but still very hoppy. However, the hot hop aroma is severely downplayed in the beer itself. It’s very hazy, and has a creamy texture. You get the typical tropical IPA flavors, but the fruitiness is much more prevalent in this beer than most IPAs. The mango-like sweetness then dries with just a whisper of bitter hops at the end to remind you that you are drinking an IPA.

This is sure to be a crowd-pleasing beer. It’s got the complexity of flavors for the veteran IPA lover, but it’s also mild enough for the novice’s palette as well. Beware that this beer is 10% ABV, so drink with caution (and maybe a friend).

4/5 Burps

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