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Track7s Merry AF: Review by @Robyn_Seto

Track7s Merry AF: Review by @Robyn_Seto

Merry AF is an Imperial eggnog spiced stout with clove, nutmeg, mace (nutmeg skin), cinnamon, vanilla and lactose by Track 7 Brewing Company. Track 7 is based out of my hometown of Sacramento, CA, and is distributed all throughout the state. 

Merry AF is a limited release beer originally brewed in 2018, and it is no longer in production. Although this is a discontinued beer, I wanted to kick off December with something festive. The can I have was from 2018. With an ABV of 10.4%, my beer tasting buddy and I decided to let it age in the fridge. It’s not common knowledge, but it’s actually beneficial to age certain beers. In the case of high ABV stouts, leaving the beer in a dark fridge will mellow out the harshness and heat of the alcohol upon consumption. I let this beer age for two years, mainly because I forgot I had it last year, so what a treat it was to finally crack into it!


It’s not very eggnog-y, and more so roasty and spicy (as in baking spices, not Scoville units). The spice flavors and aromas become more pronounced as the beer warms closer to room temperature. This is not a sweet stout, instead it’s more like a very dark chocolate infused with holiday spices. Despite the fact that it’s an imperial stout with lactose, the viscosity is fairly thin with a silky mouthfeel. No detectable booze flavor, but again, this is a two-year-old beer so the alcohol has softened quite a bit in that time. After two years, I think this was a great early Christmas gift to myself. 

4/5 Burps

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