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Anderson Valley Brewing Co Winter Solstice Seasonal Ale: Review by @Robyn_Seto

Anderson Valley Brewing Co Winter Solstice Seasonal Ale: Review by @Robyn_Seto

Winter Solstice Seasonal Ale is Anderson Valley Brewing Company’s interpretation of the “winter warmer” style. A winter warmer beer is typically higher ABV than the typical ale and tends to exhibit bold malty flavors with very little bitterness. As the name suggests, this is a seasonal beer that’s available annually from October to January.

The aroma upon pour is lightly sweet with no harsh alcohol smell. Winter Solstice Ale is 6.9%, so while it’s not exceptionally high, it certainly is enough to warm the spirit. Overall, it derives much of its flavor from the malt which is complemented by a light sweetness. It has the amber flavors of a brown ale while being very clean tasting as well. There’s just a touch of bitterness at the tail end as the sip dries.


The flavors aren’t terribly complex or overpowering in any way, making this a great beer to pair with desserts. In particular, I think this would go nicely with a slice of pumpkin pie. It’s sure to be a hit at any holiday party (although I’m sure many of those are not happening this year for obvious reasons), but it’s also perfect for a solo celebration.

4/5 Burps

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