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Anderson Valley Brewing Co Salted Caramel Porter: Review by @Robyn_Seto

Anderson Valley Brewing Co Salted Caramel Porter: Review by @Robyn_Seto

Porters are a style of beer originating in London, England. Brewed using brown malt, porters are known for dark color and are closely related to stout beers. Porters tend to be medium bodied with roasted coffee or chocolate flavors. 

The Salted Caramel Porter is brewed with seasalt and crystal malts to mimic the flavor of caramel. I wouldn’t say this is a very caramel-y beer, however it is a very pleasant porter with mostly coffee flavor and some dark chocolate notes. This beer is aged for 6 months in bourbon barrels, so there’s definitely whispers of bourbon: a sweetness and vanilla essence. It’s a bit boozy on the nose and on the palette, but not so much that it’s overpowering. Porters typically aren’t much higher ABV than 5% or 6%, but thanks to the aging in bourbon barrels this one is a whopping 9.5% ABV.


I quite enjoy this beer. The flavors are cohesive and present without being too heavy or sickeningly sweet. This beer doesn’t seem to linger on the palette like some higher ABV beers do. 9.5% is pretty high for only 12 ounces of beer, so even though this beer does come in 4-packs, you probably should only have one in a single evening. Also, you’ll have to forgive the half empty glass in the photo, as I got a little overzealous with tasting before I remembered to take a picture. I suppose that also says something about how much I like this beer!

Anderson Valley makes some lovely beers, and I will certainly be reviewing more of their fare in the future. They distribute all across the United States, so they’re more accessible than some of the beers I have reviewed thus far!

4/5 Burps

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