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Grandin by Omnipollo: Review by @Robyn_Seto

Grandin by Omnipollo: Review by @Robyn_Seto

Omnipollo is a fantastic brewery based in Sweden. They are among a type of brewers that go by the less-than-politically-correct name of “gypsy brewers,” meaning they have no home brewery and use the facilities of other breweries when those aren’t producing their own beers. Omnipollo creates some very unique beers, and in particular their stouts blow me away. Today let’s take a look at an American Pale Ale named after one of the founding brewers of Omnipollo: Grandin.

American Pale Ales were developed during the mid 1970s and popularized by the 1980s. Like the rest of the Pale Ale family, they predominantly rely on pale malt in the fermentation process. Yet in contrast to their cousin the IPA, the APA tends toward lighter hop flavors and no funkiness. APAs also typically run between 4% and 6.5% ABV.


Grandin is a fine and fresh representation of the APA style with a fancy little twist: it’s brewed with champagne yeast. What does the champagne yeast add to the beer? It adds an extra lightness, effervescence, and mouthfeel to the beer akin to that of sparkling wine. The aroma that fills the glass is very citrusy on the nose. The initial sips are very fruity, with a refreshing lychee-like flavor. Overall, it’s quite clean tasting, and the champagne yeast causes this beer to dry very pleasantly. The aftertaste of the hops has a slight bitterness that’s similar to a grapefruit rind, and not so much vegetal or grassy and bitter. This is a flavorful beer but it’s not a strongly flavored beer, so I can see this beer pairing well with a simple salty snack.

4/5 Burps

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