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Trumer Brewerys Trumer Pils: Review by @Robyn_Seto

Trumer Brewerys Trumer Pils: Review by @Robyn_Seto

Pilsner! Perhaps you have heard of this style of beer before, but what is it exactly? The pilsner belongs to the lager family. A lager is a beer that is fermented and conditioned cold, causing the yeast to metabolize at a slower rate. Because of this slower process, the flavors of lagers focus almost entirely on those derived from the malts and hops. A pilsner is a pale lager, meaning it’s brewed with pale malt. The Pilsner originates from the Czech city from which its name originates: Plisen (now Plzeň in the Czech Republic.

Trumer Brewery produces out of Berkeley, CA and makes only one beer: Trumer Pils. The brewing process of this particular beer is extremely simplified and extremely precise.


The tradition and skill behind this beer is showcased in its flavor! Trumer Pils is a German style Pilsner which tends to be crisper than Bohemian style, and this is quite a crisp beer! This is a beautifully simple beer. The lager notes are light but present. The malts produce a smooth mouthfeel, but does not coat the tongue with a thick layer of flavor. It has a slight bitterness as it dries, but has almost fruit-like essences in the lingering taste. This is a very refreshing beer that is both good on its own but pairs well with food due to the light flavors making this a perfect beer for summer barbecues or camping. At only 4.7% ABV, it’s a great beer to share a six pack with a friend or two.

5/5 Burps

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