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So-Lo by Goose Island: Review by @Robyn_Seto

So-Lo by Goose Island: Review by @Robyn_Seto

So-Lo is a low-calorie session IPA from Goose Island Beer Company. 

Session ales tend towards lower ABV than other ales, typically no higher than 4%. Their name is a legacy of WWI-era England, when workers were typically granted two drinking “sessions” per workday to consume alcohol on the job. These “sessions” encouraged the market for a lower ABV beer so workers could relish their drinking breaks without getting too drunk to complete the days’ tasks. The session IPA is a close relative, more or less an IPA of not more than 3 or 4% ABV.


So-Lo has a lot of character! It is very effervescent upon pour and delightfully bubbly, almost like a sparkling water. The flavors are very very light yet not hard to pinpoint. Hoppiness is very low and present in floral notes as opposed to the usual vegetal bitterness. A pleasant hint of honey emerges as the sip dries.

4/5 Burps

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