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Urban Roots 'Life Adjacent': Review by @Robyn_Seto

Urban Roots 'Life Adjacent': Review by @Robyn_Seto


A scotch ale, also known as a “wee heavy”,  is a designation of Scottish ale that represents the heaviest of this style. Scotch ales are fermented at cooler temperatures than other ales and are lightly hopped, which allows the beer to showcase the malt characteristics. 

Life Adjacent is a bourbon barrel aged scotch ale by Urban Roots Brewing, a brewery in my hometown of Sacramento, California. This wee heavy is a little more than just a wee bit heavy, at 10.5% ABV. The extra booziness comes from 17 months of aging in Buffalo Trace bourbon barrels. Fresh from the can, there is a subtle hint of alcohol on the nose. The beer picks up flavors from the barrel: caramel, vanilla, and a slight roastiness. Despite the high ABV this beer is fairly thin, and reminds me of drinking a bourbon on the rocks. As the temperature changes, so do the flavors. The roasty notes become more pronounced and there are detectable hints of prune or raisin.

Barrel-aged beers often pack an extra punch in regards to ABV and flavor. Because of this, I find this beer to be best enjoyed on its own; perhaps after a meal or as a nightcap. I would also suggest enjoying this style at a warmer temperature, but still cooler than room temp.

4/5 Burps

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