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Quick Change: Retro Review by @Kush_Hayes

Quick Change: Retro Review by @Kush_Hayes

Quick Change 1990
Bill Murray, Geena Davis, Randy Quaid

Wri/Dir: Howard Franklin (and Bill Murray)

Im not sure if todays generation is aware of it, but change and inflation has long been a thing before Netflix, snapchat and iPhones were a thing. In the late 1980s this was also a thing and the summer of 1990 Bill Murray put his thoughts on the progress happening about in New York City. This is a time when Disney didnt own 42nd Ave and Time Square and you could still be mugged out front of a strip club or peep show. As much as NYers hated the environment where they could be robbed assaulted and stabbed with a dirty needle, they also seemed to reject the idea of things being cleaned up, buildings being torn down for better buildings.

These are themes that are present throughout our film as our trio of Bill Murray Geena Davis and Randy Quaid are trying to escape New York after robbing a bank successfully, making their way through transitioning #Queens and #Brooklyn with $3m taped to their bodies.

Murray is full of fast paced jokes and observations as he navigates through “funny situations”, Davis is his conscious who is having her own conflicts while Quaid just yells and screams like a mad man. That was dumb fun in the late 80s early 90s.

Other names in this movie that you didnt know as names when this movie came out, Stanley Tucci, Phil Hartman and Tony Shalhoub.

This movie is every bit as relevant today as it was 28 years ago, and I recommend you check it out.

4 out of 6 blueberries

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