Worst Movie NOT Reviewed: Gemini
I should clairify, I did not review Gemini, the 2018 Spring Noir-Ish Indy and 58th Moviepass movie for KushAndKaiDotCom, but I did review it for another outlet I write for on Instagram: Mini_Movie_Reviews. In fact this was such a piss movie, that going over my IG review is bringing up flashes of anger for the 93 mins of this that exists. Normally movies about Hollywood and the movie industry, no matter how big or small focused on that are too “inside baseball” and just leave most of us average people excluded and maybe even a little annoyed. But this movie set in Hollywood, about an up and coming star who may or may not have been murdered manages to stay away from all the insider stuff after the first 5 mins and before the final 4 mins. The only thing I kept from this movie was the question of “Why does this movie want me to hate Zoe Kravitz so much?”
Thankfull Zoe was in other movies that were much better and made me forget this even came up this year.
Unfortunately I gave Gemini, One out of Six Blueberries.
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