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Return of The Steinbacher

Return of The Steinbacher

Stephen Steinbacher, the Cinematographer for Pact of Vengeance, returns to The Microdose to talk with Kush Hayes about his experience at the UFF5 plus whats on TV these days!

Music by IAmSoLoco

Find more from IAmSoLoco
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Pact of Vengeance is available in May
Check out the trailer for Pact of Vengeance, NOW on YouTube!!

Follow Stephen on Instagram: @ripsteinbacher
Check out his work on Youtube:
Newest video here:

Follow Kush on Twitter @Kush_Hayes

Next Kick Ass Movie Podcast April 12th on The BosNet! 

Sweet Science Cinema NOW on The BosNet!

Follow Kush on Twitter @Kush_Hayes
Movie reviews at: www.TheBosNet.Family/reviews

Robyn on Twitter @Robyn_Seto
Polite Beer Expressions at: www.TheBosNet.Family/pbe

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Director of Putrefixion - David Torres

Director of Putrefixion - David Torres

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